Wednesday, October 21, 2009


As a general trend, Mark and I have about three Italian meals a week. He is a full 1/2 Italian and I am convinced I was a large Italian lady in another life. Last night was Italian meal number two for the week (the first being Maggiano's curtesy of Mrs. Debbie Bombulie). It turned out amazing and only took me about 40 minutes to prepare from start to getting it in the oven. Although that sounds like a lot of time, for lasagna that is really good! Also, the sauce made enough for the meal and I had half the pot left over to freeze for speggetti sometime next week which is AWESOME. One of my goals, besides cooking great tasting food, is to make sure that I can really stretch my grocery budget. The fact that I took one meal and turned it into two is just great.

If anyone ever wants one of my recipes, please leave a comment with your email and I will email it to you!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gourmet Awesomeness!

Sunday night dinner. I always try to do something a little more complex on Sundays because I have almost all day to cook (usually). This evening the goal was a pork roast, gourmet potatoes and fried zuccinni. That goal was achieved. The pork as it turns out did not need a full 60 minutes per pound so it came out a little dry. I think this can be prevented in the future once I replace my very broken meat thermometer (turns out, if you catch the chicken on fire that the thermometer is in, it breaks the thermometer). The fried zuccinni was great. I did a spin off of one of Giada De Larentis's recipes and it turned out amazing!! And last but not least, the gourmet potatoes. The recipe that I use I got from my mother-in-law. She has about a million awesome dishes she makes but this is one of my favorites. It is basically a potatoe casserole with a ton of cheese, onions, butter and sour cream (I pretend like there is no sour cream in it, but that is harder to do when I am now the one cooking it). They turned out awesome and I only wish I would have snapped a picture before Mark and I devoured them. So, all in all, Sunday night dinner was a success. The rest of the week should be quite tasty as well...

By the way, if anyone ever wants one of the recipes listed, please just let me know! I am all for sharing and teaching because that is how I am able to make these amazing things myself.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What is worth sharing?

So, as it is quite obvious that I do not post here often, I have decided to have a different goal in mind for my blog. When I started this, I wanted to use it as a way to keep our family and friends up to date on our lives...well, since Mark has started Med School there just is not a lot going on to tell about. As a result of our rather average life, I have instead decided that I will blog on my kitchen experiments. I have really enjoyed learning to cook and I want to share that with others. So, starting from here forward, I will now write about the different successes and failures that I experience in the kitchen...let the games begin! (If you don't know, that is how they start Iron Chef on the Food Network.)