There are few things in this world that taste better than Nutella. I can't believe I didn't know about this wonderfulness until college...I feel like I missed out for years! But, I have had no problem making up for lost time; I eat it whenever I can now! Most of my friends know this about me so they tend to suggest recipes that use Nutella. This latest one is SO good; like so sinfully good that Mark and I ate the whole batch in one sitting. They are super easy and I highly suggest they be on your dessert menu this week!

Nutella Turnovers
1 Sheet Frozen Puff Pastry
1 Banana, sliced into 9 pieces
36 Mini Marshmellows
1 egg
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Remove puff pastry from freezer and let thaw on the counter for about 40 minutes. Unfold the sheet of puff pastry and cut into 9 equal squares. Place a dollop of Nutella, about 1/2-1 teaspoon, on each square. Top the Nutella with 1 slice of banana and 4 mini marshmallows. Fold one corner over to make little triangles. Use a fork to press the edges together to form a good seal. Move the triangles to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Beat the egg and brush over the tops of the triangles (this helps get that wonderful golden color). Bake for 12 minutes, or until the tops are very golden brown. Be careful consumming these, they are HOT when they come out of the oven...but oh so wonderful...

Note: The marshmallows are not a necessity. They make these very sweet. If you are not as huge of a fan of extremely sweet desserts, feel free to leave them out. You will still have an amazingly yummy snack/dessert!